Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Terrible, violent sculptures (or perhaps the aftermath of violence), knitted out of yarn and stuffed with cotton. It's OK, though - it's cartoonish violence.
A unicorn with a dead and bloody teddy bear impaled on its horn, or a shark with a human leg in its mouth. A rabbit impaled on a carrot, or a rubber ducky with an arrow in its head. Very, very odd.
Recommended by Atropos
This song is several John Williams film themes with words placed to them - all of the lyrics are about Star Wars.
Many people have probably already heard this song by Moosebutter or seen this video:
That second video is just a guy (Corey, I guess) lipsynching four times to pre-recorded music by Moosebutter that he had NOTHING to do with. It's the first video that has the real talents - singing their song live.
Recommended by Noah
wha? Strangest video I've seen in a long time - yet still very cool
0 comments Posted by Jake at Tuesday, May 26, 2009Set to interesting, odd rhythmic music, is an interesting, odd animation (it's difficult to describe exactly what is taking place in the animation other than that they seem to like scissors and forceps). Consisting of red, black and white animated images, simple shapes and motions move across the screen. The thing about this video is you can see about 60 frames of the animation simultaneously, each frame linearly scrolling by. So, watching only 1/60th of the screen closely will show a more traditional animation - but seeing the whole screen at once creates its own surreal experience as well. Ultimately, my words will fail to adequately describe this video - just watch it.
Recommended by Mark K
The geography of jobs: When and where job growth - or loss - is occurring
0 comments Posted by Jake at Tuesday, May 26, 2009Going back to 2004, this site shows with green and red circles spread across a map, the job growth and/or loss for any given location and time.Above: post-Hurricane Katrina job losses recorded in the gulf coast.
Recommended by Kimberly Beck
They'll hold on to your possessions for you until you are reincarnated. No word as to how you will let them know it's really you.
Recommended by Atropos
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Using fairly low-tech methods, they superimpose arms in front of Donald Rumsfeld videos to make it appear he is doing various things that Rummy would never ever really do in public - making a paper crane, drawing insulting pictures, and rolling a joint just to name a few.
This is actually pretty old - it originates from the Craig Ferguson show in late 2006, but I first saw it as a gif:
Somehow the lack of context or sound makes it funnier
Thanks to Ryan Hawley
A couple and their two sons all straddling a tree branch together in a row.
A entire family whose hair inspiration was the collected works of Def Leppard and Poison.
There seem to be quite a few Oedipal variations on this site:
Let's hope this was just a rejected image from a series, and that it did not actually become the Christmas card.
If you're in the middle of a fight, reschedule the photo shoot.
So... confu... wha?
Recommended by Bill
Subservient Chicken: weird, not useful, wastes ones time, yet I love him
0 comments Posted by Jake at Tuesday, May 19, 2009A not-too-subtly disguised ad for Burger King Tendercrisps, this is kind of an webcam for a guy in a chicken costume standing in his front room. Type a command into the provided field and watch the chicken perform most of the assigned tasks. A freaky timewaster, to be sure, perhaps the allure is finding what outlandish commands these guys actually were prepared for.
Emily Johnson
Face In Hole: Add yourself to any of thousand of scenarios
0 comments Posted by Jake at Tuesday, May 19, 2009Pick from thousands of scenarios - pictures, videos, cartoons, etc. to place you likeness in. Quick, simple, yet surprisingly versatile tools to add and perfect images. If you have a web cam, you can even use live images from your webcam to get the angles and positioning just right.
I didn't get any of these images 'just right' but will show them anyway:
Bill the cowardly lion
Gina the graffiti
Kerry the music teacher
And Richie as, um, a "sexy" nurse (thanks to Emily Johnson for this creation):
Recommended by Emily Johnson and Scott Urry
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
This is my wife's current favorite song. The Slap Chop rap - an infomercial where the pitch man's voice has been sped up, slowed down, raised and lowered to make him rap/sing to an infectious groove. 1980s street dancers make a guest appearance.
Recommended by James Snyder
"30 Ways to die from Electrocution" scanned from an old German book.
The best are the man peeing off a bridge onto a trolley wire, a baby putting an exposed electrical wire in its mouth, and a man touching two lamps at the same time (evidently in the early 1900s this would kill you).
Thanks to bre pettis for posting these to Flickr.
Recommended by Matt the Whip
How much sugar is in various food items - measured in cubes of ordinary sugar.
20 oz of soda has 16.5 cubes worth of sugar
a small box of raisins has 7.5 cubes (I hate raisins)
One Twinkie has 4.5 cubes worth of sugar
A pint of ice cream has 19 cubes of sugar
More at http://www.sugarstacks.com/
Recommended by Wade Bourland
Pictures of meals served at hospitals throughout the world.
A few are like what you’d expect: boring, pre-packaged, questionable quality. Most of the pictures are pretty interesting, though, ranging from right-angle OCD food/tray arrangements to actually looking tasty. Japan’s are the coolest – nearly every Japanese photo has a whole fish w/eyes, scales – the works. Can’t imagine how you’d tuck into that thing in a hospital.
Recommended by Chris Brooks
Online golf. Use a simple drag and click to create a directional arrow, whose direction and length control the angle and the speed of your swing. Just like normal golf, try to get the golf ball to the hole in the fewest swings. Very zen.
Recommended by Jason Rushton