Tuesday, December 23, 2008
A dalmatian mix running (some would say tunneling) and jumping through snow that is well above its head. I would actually get worried about the dog, except it would come to areas where a walkway had been cleared, wag its tail and jump right back in.
WARNING TO BILL: This video contains Harry Connick Jr. singing "Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer" as its soundtrack.
Recommended by Daren Hendriksen
Recommended by Cody Espinoza
We've probably all gotten into arguments of minute and insignificant points of trivia. This is a list of similar arguments between Wikipedia editors, but instead of lasting a few minutes like most pointless disagreements, some of these drag on for months or years:
A lot of arguments about locations - Poland/Germany/Prussia/Baltic/Eastern European
A lot of American vs. British spelling arguments
A lot of age discrepancies.
Arguments over the correct word for what we in Salt Lake know as Gasoline. At one point it was suggested to call it "Fossil fuel for reciprocating piston engines equipped with spark plugs"
Death Star
Is it 120km or 160km in diameter? Even 900km? How shall they word that? Is the hyperdrive class 3 or 4? Who really cares? George Lucas apparently doesn't.
Mountain Meadows Massacre
Ongoing arguments and edit wars over whether to include the word "Friday" in the date of the event.
Gender of God
Or is it 'Gender of god'? How about 'Gender of Gods', gotta remember those damn heathens. Or is that 'Gender of gods'? Is 'sex' more appropriate than 'gender'? Is God/god/Gods/gods appropriate at all? How about (D/d)ivine entit(y/ies)... or supreme (B/b)eing(s)... or some mix of all the above? Meanwhile this doesn't account for religions with no explicit sex (or is that explicit gender?). We haven't quite decided yet but rest assured whilst some silly people are trying in vain to reach consensus those with the power are proving their point with reverts. There's even threats of ArbCom.
Researchers and producers of element 13 have various called the stuff “alumine”, “alumium”, “aluminium”, and “aluminum”. Speakers and writers of American English spell it “aluminum” (as does the ACS). The non-American English-speaking world spells it “aluminium” (as does the IUPAC), which is where the article typically stands — with two letters ‘i’. There are occasional attempts to put the word back to aluminum. See here and here for the gory historical details. As a gauge of the scale of this territorial feud, the talk page specifically devoted to this debate is over 40,000 words of um/ium debate.
Various movies reenacted in 30 seconds by bunnies.A Christmas Story: http://www.angryalien.com/aa/xmas_storybuns.asp
Napoleon Dynamite: http://www.angryalien.com/aa/napoleondynabun.asp
Caddyshack: http://www.angryalien.com/aa/caddyshackbuns.asp
The Shining: http://www.angryalien.com/0504/shiningbunnies.html
James Bond Medley: http://www.angryalien.com/aa/bondbuns.asp
Superman: http://www.angryalien.com/aa/supesbuns.asp
Recommended by Ben Rosch
A fascinating game. A series of light beams move across the screen in a concentrated stream. You are given game pieces that will influence the beams - get them to move more up, down, left or right. You influence the beams to move towards several 'receptors' on the playing area. As the receptor points receive the light beams, they each will begin to play their own part in a simple but enjoyable musical piece. The goal is to activate each of these receptor points, at which point you will also hear the complete musical piece.
Recommended by Darin Blanchard
"I am better than your kids": A man who (astutely) has pointed out that he could draw way better pictures than the children of his coworkers. In fact, he can run faster, do math better, and draw better pictures than any child out there. As such, he has taken upon himself the selfless task of critiquing and grading the artwork of children. And you thought Simon Cowell was shooting fish in a barrel:
"You spelled America wrong asshole. Also, I could have sworn America's colors were red, white and blue. There's no yellow anywhere, traitor. F"
"Ding Ding! Here comes the shit-mobile. I've never seen a fire truck that needed to be shaved. I would rather be burned to death than be saved by this hairy piece of shit. F"
"That's interesting, everyone in this picture is white. Even the rainbow is white. Perhaps in an ideal world, everyone would be white isn't that right, Rachel? Or should I call you RACIST? Nice try, Hitler. F"
Recommended by Gina
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Immersion: A video game video... video... game?
0 comments Posted by Jake at Tuesday, December 16, 2008Robby Cooper for the New York Times created this video showing the faces of kids as they play video games and how immersed they get in what they are playing. No doubt intended to 'show' (or it will eventually be used to 'show') how video games are evil. One part that IS creepy to me is a kid who is so immersed in the game that his eye waters to the point of overflowing, but he does nothing about the huge tear streaming down his face as he stares, dead-eyed, into the camera.
Recommended by Darin Blanchard
"Kitty Hell" is one man's trial of living in a home where his wife runs a "Hello Kitty" merchandise home business. The business took a fun hobby and turned it into a full-fledged obsession for her and a Hello Kitty Hell for him. Starting this blog to vent seems to have only made it worse, however, as readers across the globe email him with info about Hello Kitty Hospitals, hotels, hair styles, and pretty much whatever else can be churned out by the feline marketing behemoth.
Recommended by Becky Parker
No - but soon it will be yes... so I'd keep an eye on this site. Thankfully, an RSS feed is available.
Recommended by Stirling Ungerman
Pretty straightforward design - Steve jobs would be proud. This site contains a single button for a single purpose: providing aspiring office clowns with much-needed instrumental backup. Gone are the days when a bad joke is followed by someone declaring 'ba-doom cha!' - simply have this web site up at any and all times with a powerful speaker connected to your computer and you too can have a drummer follow up your hum-dingers. Ba-doom cha!
Recommended by James Snyder
It's not just beer that can add inches and pack on the pounds. Take a closer look at how many calories you take in by drinking alcohol. This widget will convert the amount of alcohol you drank into its caloric equivalent of food such as doughnuts or hotdogs.
Recommended by Kerry
A 2D Mario-type side-scroller, but in this simple online game, you put your character into harm's way instead of avoiding it. Level after level, you try to impale, electrocute, crush or shoot your character with the intent of bringing about his untimely death.
Recommended by Rob Chesley
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
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A maddening game that shows just how difficult it is to do absolutely nothing. Once you start the game, you can't move the mouse until a cute little puppy has walked across the screen. If you DO move your mouse,a giant gun will shoot the cartoon puppy. With each subsequent level, the puppy moves slower and slower...
Recommended by Thomas Taylor and Kerry
The concept of 'shredding': Dub ridiculous new audio over concert footage of a rock band, but make it believable that the band is actually playing whatever dreck you have recorded. It's not easy to do. It's usually just done over a guitar solo, but this one of KISS 'Shredding' is one of the best, utilizing the whole band and the video of "I was made for Loving You":
Recommended by Sara Gudmundson
I think I still like the flamenco 'Paco De Lucia Shreds' a little bit more. Watch and listen to the guy to the left of the screen starting around 1:33:
Iron Maiden Shreds
Recommended by Atropos, dedicated to J.T.
Hitler finds out about BYU's loss to the University of Utah
0 comments Posted by Jake at Tuesday, December 02, 2008Hitler finds out about BYU's recent loss to the 'U' and has a fit, yelling in German. Fortunately, the subtitles fill us in on his stream of consciousness rant.
It's great to hear Hitler yell:
"Where's our reward for righteous living?"
and as he dejectedly comes to terms:
"I guess we'll always have our weekly firesides to hold before the games. We've never lost a fireside."
Recommended by Emily Johnson
iPhone app: "Last Call" will measure your drunkenness
0 comments Posted by Jake at Tuesday, December 02, 2008iPhone app "Last Call" seeks to let you know if you are drunk or not - before you get behind the wheel. I'm mostly mentioning it because of the concept since I suspect it's a little too complicated for a drunk person to use.
You enter what you are drinking, your body weight, how many drinks you have had and how long it has been since your last drink. It will even find listings of cabs companies or DUI attorneys. Rule of thumb: If you are able to enter the needed info into this application, then you are not drunk.