Tuesday, January 27, 2009
1,474 Megapixel image of President Obama's inaguration
0 comments Posted by Jake at Tuesday, January 27, 2009Amazing 1,474 megapixel picture of the Obama inaguration. This was made using a device called a 'gigapan' that rapidly takes numerous photos and then stitches them together. People are able to go on to this web site and share their favorite parts of the image - including some famous people in the crowd. The really interesting thing, though, is the ability to watch so many people, none of whom realize they are being photographed. Bonus points to whomever can spot a CIA sniper!
Safe Now.org: Instructional pictures on how to be hilarious
0 comments Posted by Jake at Tuesday, January 27, 2009Instructional pictures off of the War-on-terror-preparedness website ready.gov with hilarious new explanations for the ambiguous images, leading to such classics as:
"That closet door in your bedroom leads to the gates of Hell. Don't go there."
"Your respiratory and digestive systems are optional. Cast them aside if you feel you no longer need them."
"After exposure to radiation it is important to consider that you may have mutated to gigantic dimensions: watch your head."
"Try to absorb as much of the radiation as possible with your groin region. The current world record is 5 minutes, 12 seconds."
Recommended by Alessa Smith
Japanese Manhole Covers: Surprising places to find art
0 comments Posted by Jake at Tuesday, January 27, 2009A photo collection of over 1,000 manhole covers from Japan. They range from odd to beautiful, but they all are interesting.
Recommended by Kerry
The Invisible Rope: Dangerous pranks since 2007!
0 comments Posted by Jake at Tuesday, January 27, 2009Two guys who pantomime stretching a rope across a road and film the results as cars approach them. To be honest, this site really pisses me off. It's dangerous, irresponsible, and not that funny. When they do the same thing to pedestrians in a mall, though, it's pure comedic gold!
Recommended by Sterling Ungerman
Wikipedia articles set to music, and sung with the lilting accompaniment of a ukulele.
Recommended by Emily Johnson
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
OK, cute things are cute enough on their own, but when you make a site dedicated to cute things that also happen to be falling asleep, you've gone too far (which, actually, is OK with me). Babies, puppies, kittens, even a baby elephant is on this site. Adorable, funny and fun videos.
Recommended by Kim Olney
OK, I don't mind spiders, but I find this site pretty creepy - which is also what makes it so cool. A very realistic 3D spider that you can quickly customize in size, color, shape and hairiness - and then control. You can click and drag it all over the screen, watching its legs drag along the ground behind it. Or, hit the space bar to place a bug on the ground for it to eat - it will walk to the bug on its own and consume it. There's even a mode where you can control the spider with your arrow keys and make it jump. If you are not actively controlling or influencing the spider, it will slowly walk toward wherever your cursor is on the screen, which is the creepiest feature of all.
Recommended by Kyle Fowers
"Brain Hacks" - About a half-dozen ways to fool your brain, essentially causing your self to hallucinate - legally. A few of the "hacks" include making yourself feel pain when you watch someone hit a rubber hand with a hammer (as though it were your own hand), or making it feel like your nose is a foot long are two examples of the weirdness available to you without the chance of involving "the man".
Recommended by Matt the Whip
You know that iconic red-white-and-blue Obama image with "HOPE" underneath? Yeah, now you can have one with you in it, saying whatever might be appropriate. Or inappropriate, for that matter. In order to download, they require you to sign up (which will also make the image available to others), but you can easily submit and create your image, then hit "Print Screen" and paste the image into MS Paint, Photoshop, or any other image editing software. The image size and quality will be the same either way.http://obamiconme.pastemagazine.com/
Recommended by Kerry
This is the weirdest thing I have ever or will ever discuss on the program. Cats evidently like it if you, uh, spank them. People have recently begun to post videos online attesting to this fact. Here's a few examples to get you started, but I don't think you'll ever get weirder (or funnier) than the first one: the owner uses paddles for spanking and what appears to be a specialized spanking platform for the cat.
Recommended by Darin Blanchard