Thursday, October 22, 2009

This is for Jason & Amy, whose Australian Shepherd was similarly herding us on our last hike.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Certified 100% real - non-manipulated footage.

I still think this Hitler rant meme is funny, and so we continue...

I wish I had been there in person. The real action starts at about 1:15.

via Boing Boing

Safer Communities Together

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Many of you may have seen this video floating around Facebook the last week:

Although it's humorous, I did not post it here because the joke was just too easy. "Woah, that guy is drunk!"

I've found the Better "Drunkest Guy Ever" - someone has made it into a silent film! I think you'll agree, this is the purpose for which the drunk footage was divinely intended.

Steakhouse or Gay Bar?

Fun Theory
Tricking people into being healthy?

Klenginem - The Klingon Rapper
Rapping in Klingon.

Eye Candy
Very trippy.

Laser-Cut art made out of paper currency.

Laser Etched Dollar Bill Art

Create your own digital music in under a minute.

Mortal Kombat vs. Donkey Kong
Ready... FIGHT!

On this site, anybody can make music. Click on any of the 1/4 inch squares on this page. Each square represents a note in a repeating 5 second loop. There are several 'tabs' that you can switch between for different sounds, including a set of drums. Really, just click around a bit and you can easily have a decent-sounding (electronic) song in about a minute.

Recommended by Jason Rushton

A modifiable, moving, trippy image. Seriously, if you're prone to seizures, don't click on this link. It's fun mostly to see how you can adjust the image.

This guy seriously is rapping in Klingon - which just sounds like German or Dutch or something to me.

Guess if a given name is that of a steak house or of a gay bar. Names like:
"The Flying Cow"
"Tenderloin Room"
"Eddie V's"
"Fire and Spice"
"The Silverado"
"Mr. Lucky's"
"Uncle Charlie's"

After you answer, they tell you which it is, where the business is located, and what percentage of people get the answer correct/incorrect.

Recommended by Kerry

I've seen still images of this guy for years. This is the first video I've seen. Japanese TV content makes the best internet videos... completely lacking any real substance or value.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Wait for it.

I love it when crap goes down on these shows on-air. Mostly because I hate these shopping shows.

Finally, a happy ending.

From the same guy who made Sonic v. Pac-Man, we bring you Donkey Kong vs. Mortal Kombat. this made me laugh out loud.

There's no sound, but you can clearly see dolphins repeatedly and intentionally using their tails to launch jellyfish out of the water.

Han is kind of stupid.

This is fairly true to the original (for a remix) but just different enough to be really cool.

I got this from a post earlier this month on Disney's own blog. We are all familiar with time lapse, but maybe not tilt-shift. The gist is by utilizing depth-of-field, The Magic Kingdom at Disneyworld can look like Mr. Roger's Neighborhood.

I really enjoyed this vid, I hope you do too.

This doc is using hip-hop to teach important lessons about how to protect and improve your health. Some may find this amusing, but the message is one that kids need to be taught, and I think he's actually quite good.

Check out his site and the vid below.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

For those who don't know, Left 4 Dead is a very fun zombie game. You can play as a survivor trying to get out of the infected city, or in multiplayer mode you can be one of the zombies.

This is a mod that replaces the zombies with Teletubbies. Terrifying and hilarious.

Friday, October 16, 2009

For some reason, this makes me like him more. Those were 30 likable seconds.

Language is VERY NSFW. This audio is a scene from Pulp Fiction, so do not watch if you have easily offended sensibilities. Otherwise, enjoy :)

The beautiful meeting point of function and pain.



Oh Sit! The World's 13 Most Uncomfortable Chair Designs | WebUrbanist

It may be that this looks scarier than it actually was, but I can't believe how high this guy gets pulled into the air. It's like this really scary dream I used to have...

This made me smile. Not even because it is making people be 'healthy' - it was cool to see adults acting like kids with a fun new toy as they walk up the stairs. My favorite is a tie between the two dogs that got taken up the stairs and the old man who appeared to be barely able to walk, but he still wanted to try those piano stairs.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Highly reminiscent of the Blu's previously mentioned MUTO, Blu is joined this time by a second artist, David Ellis. This is just absolutely mind-bending.

Click here and here if you don't get this. You won't laugh, but you'll understand.

This vid was offered up in the comments section from my last link,'s post about multi-track breakdowns or The Beatles music.

This is a similar breakdown of the title track from Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band. Track by track. Definitely worth a listen (and even a look - the sound waves are fun to watch, if not somewhat dizzying).

YouTube - Deconstructing Sgt. Pepper

An incredible listen for anybody who is a fan of The Beatles, or who is interested in the process for recording music in the studio. Using modern technology, Beatles tracks are broken down instrument by instrument. You can hear the little nuances of Paul's voice or Ringo's drums in a way that was never possible before.

This is from a show on BBC called The Record Producers and overall focuses on George Martin's considerable contribution to and shaping of The Beatles music.

I have gotten a hold of the show in its entirety and will endeavor to get the whole this posted on here as soon as possible. In the meantime, check out these three clips on

Audio Analysis of the Beatles Multitrack Masters -

That title is a bit misleading. This is a black and white film of a woman dancing. Each frame of the film was colored by hand to create the effect you see on screen. It's amazing and hypnotic to see her dress change color before your eyes - imagine how overwhelming, impressive and confusing it must have been to someone watching in the late 1800s.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Many of you have probably seen this, but I've never posted it and really need to, because it's hilarious.

Something about this spoof just makes me laugh. They get the right level of absurdity and credibility going.

In Afghanistan, a Peace Day celebration is only slightly marred by one of the white doves about to be freed falling dead to the ground.

The employees get the last word here, retelling encounters with ridiculous customers:

Customer: “No, I don’t want the cigarettes with this health warning about cigarettes causing impotency.”
“Ok. Do you want ’smoking harms those around you,’ or ’smoking causes testicular cancer?’”
“Give me the ‘harms others’ ones.”

“I ordered half pepperoni and half sausage!”
*opens the box* “It looks fine to me, sir. What’s wrong with it?”
“I wanted my pepperoni on the LEFT side!”

-The man insisting he can't have tomato on his sandwich because a tomato would kill him, but then asks for ketchup.
-The woman DEMANDING the library lend her their furniture.
-The angry mother who couldn't understand why a paintball field allowed her 27 year old son play without her signing a release form.
-The customer who would not let a checker ring her up because the checker wasn't a Christian. That customer turned out to be shoplifting.
-The late-arriving woman who expected the movie theater to 'rewind' the film for her and her children.
-The zoo visitor who found the work 'peacock' offensive and chided the zoo employee for using it.
-The bar patron who ordered 'scotch on the rocks' and then was furious that it contained ice.

Monsters really like carrying passed out women. This is a gallery of images proving this point:

In the style of a late 80s arcade game, you get to be a shark terrorizing the waters off of Miami. Eating dolphins, geese, swimmers, blowing up boats, and even jumping and pulling planes and helicopters (with the helicopter pilots screaming "OMG" as you pull them down) from the sky. I actually caught a jumbo jet and pulled it into the water. A real fun game.

Monday, October 12, 2009

What could be more natural?

Friday, October 9, 2009

This is really cool. Bullets hitting steel, glass, paper, and ballistics jelly, all caught with a 1 Million FPS video camera.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

If you're hoping for a strong finish, prepare for disappointment.

I don't know what it is about stop-motion animation I love so much. I just think it's super cool. Here's a project that was commissioned by a San Fransisco area cell phone application company.

I really like the meeting point of borderline anarchy and overly-perfect shaping that the yarn provides. It seems yarn can only exist in one of those two states and rarely, if at all, in between.

Pac Man had better start looking for a new job.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

I initially thought this was somehow using some sort of vocorder, but it is actually just a very high-def breakdown of the 'notes' being spoken. How this turns into pseudo-speech is amazing and beyond me.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

A dog refuses any treats from his owner if she tells him "this is from Barack Obama".

Be forewarned: multiple instances of severe eye trauma.

Recommended by Atropos

People sneaking into other people's pictures.
I have known about this for a while, but could not talk about it with a clear conscience. They have finally rendered the NSFW pictures a little harder to get to (have to click an additional link) so just going to the site will no longer get you fired.

Here's some of my faves:
TIP - One of these things

TIP - Popular Demand

TIP - Mmm...cupcakes

TIP - Surprise albino

TIP - Pure Evil

There's a couple celebrity photobombs, too.
TIP - Arti Lang

TIP - George Michael Bomb 2

TIP - George Michael 3

Recommended by Reo Manning and Emily Johnson

Speak n Spell! A blast from Sue's past (and mine, too). The old Texas Instruments toy that had that unintelligible robot voice commanding you to spell various words. It has been admirably recreated here in virtual form.

Recommended by Sue

This is a site for people to share with the world that magic moment when they knew their relationship was doomed to failure. Some funny, some sad, and some that leave you bewildered. I found this fascinating and read the whole site in the course of a few days.

"I was starting to wonder whether his stoicism and silence were a little more than just bashfulness. We went to the park to hang out for a little while, and I began attempting to provoke some sort of conversation or response from him. After some uneventful walking and non-reciprocated communication, I started stuffing sticks and grass into his pockets. I even tried throwing dirt on his head. Nothing. Not even removal of the pervading organic materials. That’s when I knew."

"I figured out he was just agreeing with everything I said and did. It was creepy, really. Like he had no personality of his own."

"Using his fingers, he combed boogers out of his protruding nose hair and ate them. It was over the second his fingers hit his lips."

"I knew it was a bad sign when we were on the phone and I’d wish one of my friends would call me to rescue me from our lame conversations"

"My arm fell asleep underneath her. As I went to slide my arm out, she turned around and said, “What’s wrong with you? Don’t you love me?” She rolled over and bawled for the next hour, inconsolable.

"He cried during the last “Lord of the Rings” movie."

"Less than year into our relationship I asked her why she didn’t seem to want to be around me in any way. No sex, no contact of any kind. She told me, 'That’s what couples do: They stop having sex.'"

"We were wrapped up in her comforter on the couch, watching TV and eating one of those giant chocolate bars. As her hands got smeared with melting chocolate, I watched in horror as she wiped her fingers on the edge of the blanket, then calmly folded over the chocolate-covered corner."

Recommended by Alessa Smith

Monday, October 5, 2009

Costumes. Some weird, come cool, some REALLY cool. Only a few are actually 'WTF'. Some are potentially NSFW (scantily clad women), so here's a few Safe For Work highlights:




Actually pretty impressive when compared against the real Asimo robot:

Recommended by Chris Brooks and Jesse Lowry