Tuesday, October 13, 2009

The employees get the last word here, retelling encounters with ridiculous customers:

Customer: “No, I don’t want the cigarettes with this health warning about cigarettes causing impotency.”
“Ok. Do you want ’smoking harms those around you,’ or ’smoking causes testicular cancer?’”
“Give me the ‘harms others’ ones.”

“I ordered half pepperoni and half sausage!”
*opens the box* “It looks fine to me, sir. What’s wrong with it?”
“I wanted my pepperoni on the LEFT side!”

-The man insisting he can't have tomato on his sandwich because a tomato would kill him, but then asks for ketchup.
-The woman DEMANDING the library lend her their furniture.
-The angry mother who couldn't understand why a paintball field allowed her 27 year old son play without her signing a release form.
-The customer who would not let a checker ring her up because the checker wasn't a Christian. That customer turned out to be shoplifting.
-The late-arriving woman who expected the movie theater to 'rewind' the film for her and her children.
-The zoo visitor who found the work 'peacock' offensive and chided the zoo employee for using it.
-The bar patron who ordered 'scotch on the rocks' and then was furious that it contained ice.
