Tuesday, April 29, 2008


Recommended by Darren Marchant

Tallies world statistics, second by second.

How many births, how many deaths, how many people have contracted leprosy this year (2005, as of this writing), how many cases of HIV/AIDS, the Earth's average temperature, and lots more stats.

You can view the stats for just today, from this week, this month or this year.

http://www.tepapa.govt.nz and click on 'Squidcam' in the top right corner of the screen, or go to:


Last year, the largest known squid was caught near New Zealand. It was 33 feet long and over 1000 lbs. The fishermen who found it managed to catch it and put it in their ship's freezer. The New Zealand scientists have been working for over a year to determine the best way to thaw, examine then preserve the extremely delicate squid. They have been thawing the squid since Sunday and will examine it today, with a live streaming webcam of the entire procedure. Many videos will be available after the examination is done.


Like falling sand game (http://fallingsandgame.com/), only better.

How will fireworks, dynamite, C4 and gunpowder react to one another?

Recommended by Emily Courage
Korean toddler singing 'Hey Jude' by The Beatles. Cute and joyous. The best is the "Better, better, better, better, aaaaaaaaaah!" part.


Text DIET1 (34381) with a menu item and restaurant name, and get nutrition facts sent to your phone. The response is quick and the information is accurate. Very good if you are watching your diet, or just remind your friends of how fat they are.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

It's fun to see the different ways people take care of blue balls.

An animated web page filled with Rube Goldberg-esque inventions moving blue balls from point A to point B.

Blue Balls

Freaky multi-layered gelatin person floating in space? Click on and around the gelatin person for additional weirdness.

Man in the Dark

Several story lines viewed from a distance. The entire story is visual, and you can't hear any of the conversations people are carrying on.

The initial location shows an entire apartment building, with probably a dozen story lines unfolding in different apartments at the same time – sometimes the separate stories flow into one another. How many story lines can you follow at once?

After the first location, there are several other addresses you can spy on.

Not all plot lines are 100% work safe, and although I would not label it 'adult entertainment', you may want to watch this before deciding if it's appropriate for your kids.


Live high-def web cam of San Fransisco Bay. Real-time labeling of ships as they pass by, as well as a Google map showing the location of ships, bridges, buildings, and the location of the camera relative to everything.

Several enjoyable time-lapse videos are available as well.

San Fran Web Cam

Recommended by Taryn Pay

Hilarious examples of innocently butchered english in Asia. Admittedly akin to shooting a fish in a barrel, it is funny nonetheless.

From a sign exhorting 'No Smorking in building' to a bra with the brand name of 'Dairy Comfort' or companies with profanity in their name. Almost any bathroom sign is an instant classic: 'You could use the Lavatory please' or 'This WC is free of washing. Please leave off after pissing or shitting."


Recommended by Chad Bramble who lives in Japan as an English teacher.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

The greatest time waster ever?
Not only is there 'a' webcam dedicated to chickens, there are several:





and the one that started it all (for me):


In the spirit of chickens, 'Forrent' recommended this site from the RFH Blog:


Chicken trivia:

The most yolks in one egg is 9.

China has over 3 billion chickens

And the closest living relative of the T-Rex is the chicken.

Recommended by Tina Lang and Scott

Find out, according to the U.S. Census, how many people there are with your name. you can post the results with a widget to any web page or blog.

There are 315 Kerry Jacksons in the U.S.
There are 12 Bill Allreds
And there are 0 Gina Barbaris, although statistically speaking, Barberi is the 38,739th most popular last name in America.


Recommended by Emily Johnson

Site by the South Park creators that includes many complete South Park episodes (similar to the previously mentioned http://www.allsp.com/) and popular clips, as well as games tied to episode plotlines: 'Hippie Drill' and 'Brown Noise'. There is also a 'South Park Yourself' avatar generator.



or just search 'hamster wheel'

Hamsters that get going too fast in their hamster wheels – when they stop running, the wheel continues to spin them around, with the hamster stuck inside. Much funnier than mere words can convey.


Search items from over 500 online stores for only the items with free shipping. Amazon, eBay, NewEgg, BestBuy just to name a few.

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

or do a web search for 'Longest'
Recommended by Westley Wilcox

A list of the longest of every thing.
Mustache: 12 1/2 feet
Hollywood Marriage: Bob Hope & Dolores DeFina, 69 years
Nose: 3 1/2 inches
And, like, a million others.


A community site to share your own experiences, learn from others, and find people who can relate to what you are going through.

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
More communities are still being created.


Hilarious and bizarre live action reenactments of Garfield cartoons. Each is followed by a music video that somehow relates to the comic in question and serves as a fitting tribute to Jim Davis.

"How to kill a Mockingbird"

A video reenactment of young boy's book report on 'To Kill a Mockingbird':

It turns out that 'To Kill a Mockingbird' is the story of an epic battle between pirates and ninjas. Pirates ride on flying sharks and throw fiery angry bears against ninjas who can also fly, as well as turn into dinosaurs and volcanoes. In the end, they are forced to join forces against The Mockingbird - a cyborg bird – half bird, half helicopter – with two heads, one of which is Pat Sajak.


Recommended by Melanie

Tuesday, April 1, 2008




Recommended by Melinda Montoya.

Virtual bubble wrap, ready to be popped. Not quite as rewarding as the real thing, but close. However, the ability to instantly summon a fresh sheet at the click of a button is a plus over reality. Plus, my dog barks when I pop the bubbles.


from Chris Brooks.

For anybody who likes Lolcats: Make you own "ceiling cat"!


Recommended by Atropos.

Finally get that Tom Cruise 'Cocktail' impersonation out of your system. A really intense and fun bartender game. The opening music is also some techno version of 'The Final Countdown', which is awesome. Create virtual drinks for virtual customers, toss the bottles and otherwise entertain them for bigger tips.


Or search for 'watch it shred':

This is the shredder version of 'Will it blend?'

A giant shredder shredding various items.

soccer balls

a VW bug

a piano

a filing cabinet


'Over The Hills': Senior Citizens reenacting scenes from the crappy reality show 'The Hills'. Absolutely hilarious.