Tuesday, July 29, 2008
What if you don't like that software upgrade you just downloaded?
0 comments Posted by Jake at Tuesday, July 29, 2008Older versions of favorite applications
Particularly useful if you have older hardware/operating system that are unable to handle the newer software. Or simply if you don' tlike 'features' in newer software versions.
Old Version.com
Labels: Applications, Free, Old Version, Radio From Hell, Software, Timewaster
Truck Bearing Kibble: A hilarious, beautiful and weird online comic
0 comments Posted by Jake at Tuesday, July 29, 2008Hilarious web comic covering such varied and controversial topics as:Chitty-Chitty Bang Bang meets the Flying Nun
The Hanging of a Lego man
A Wild West gun fight with a T-Rex
The Pillsbury Doughboy warming himself in front of the fire
If the nuns from The Sound of Music had been killbots
A Muppet version of a Clockwork Orange
I can't help but feeling that this is the comic Gary Larson would have made if he was a better artist and branched out of the single frame premise.
Truck Bearing Kibble
How many times can you click a button in 30 seconds? The more you can, the more caffeinated you are, or so the saying goes.
Caffeine Buzz Tester
Recommended by Ben Arciniega
Labels: Radio From Hell, Timewaster
The world's smallest Pacman game - probably about 20X20 pixels:One Pacman, one Ghost, small and simple maze; but the Ghost moves faster with each level.
World's smallest Pacman
Labels: Funny, Game, Man, Pac, Radio From Hell, Small, Stupid, Timewaster
A recut trailer that makes West Side Story look like a Zombie flick!
Labels: Radio From Hell, Timewaster
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Non-iPhone options to figure out who recorded that song
0 comments Posted by Jake at Tuesday, July 22, 2008You don't need to have a Shazam! enabled iPhone to be able to find out the name and artist associated with a song:
Do you know how a song goes, but don't know the name of the song or the artist? Go to songtapper.com and tap the rhythm of the song on your space bar. Going off of just the rhythm, Songtapper can usually find any song you are looking for.
Song Tapper
Hum or sing a song into your microphone and midomi will tell you what it is.
Tunatic will listen to music through your microphone, much like previously mentioned Shazam! and tell you what the song and artist are.
Labels: Artist, Free, Midomi, Radio From Hell, Shazam, Song, Songtapper, Tapper, Timewaster, Tunatic
Old cartoons were likely not banned, but were VERYpolitically incorrect, at the very least
0 comments Posted by Jake at Tuesday, July 22, 2008Old Warner Brothers, Hanna Barbera, Betty Boop and other videos that are either 'banned' or no longer in syndication due to offensive or controversial content. This site really just contains descriptions of the videos, then points you to a link where these videos can be downloaded. Of particular interest is the second section, the American WWII propaganda films. 'Commando Daffy' is a longtime favorite of mine. Some of these videos really are offensive, so be warned. I find it very interesting how much the real history of animation has been sanitized, hopefully you will, too.
Banned and Politically Incorrect old videos
Labels: Daffy, Funny, Hello World, II, Incorrect, Political, Propaganda, Radio From Hell, Timewaster, Videos, War, WW
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Find out how rich you are in terms of the world's population. For example, as an average wage earner in the U.S., I am in the 98th percentile and the 59,000,000th richest person on the planet. Not bad out of 6 billion.
Global Rich List
Labels: Radio From Hell, Timewaster
The "Real" Peter Pan - but it's still not a nice thing to call a grown man.
0 comments Posted by Jake at Tuesday, July 15, 2008Although this site has been around for many years, I have a feeling most people out there have still not seen nor heard of it. This is the personal site of a man (now in his early 50s) who enjoys sewing and wearing costumes of Peter Pan, other various 'pixies', and of the famous 'Blue Boy' painting. I'm having a tough time determining how seriously he takes himself in these costumes. I'm currently of the opinion that he, in a non-creepy way, loves the 'spirit' of Peter Pan and chooses this forum to express that love. But as much as I may try to view it from that angle, I still find his costumes (and particularly his poses in said costumes) more than a little disconcerting.
And in recent developments, it appears that in his travels to Renaissance Fairs and/or raves, he has found a woman who is every bit his match, and last year, this 'Peter Pan' married his very own 'Tinkerbell'. Photos are included.
Overall, I expect you and your friends will be saying 'That is just wrong' a lot as you look at this site.
Peter Pan
And his Tinkerbell
Labels: Creepy, Funny, Pan, Peter, Radio From Hell, Stupid, Timewaster, Weird
Neave TV: The weirdest videos online - together at last!
0 comments Posted by Jake at Tuesday, July 15, 2008Watch some of the strangest video clips on the web, in sequence, with no context to lend understanding to the situation. You can watch things like: Cavemen reacting to a helicopter, metallic spider monsters on the freeway, a guy having a slapping contest with his doppelganger, kung-fu midgets, Latin dance music sung by grunting boxers, a finger puppet DJ, lots of black and white science fiction stuff from the 50s, and Godzilla in a fight as he goes in for a finishing move using the double-footed flying kick. Weird.
Neave TV
Recommended by Kerry
Labels: Funny, Neave, Radio From Hell, Television, Timewaster, TV, Weird
You Suck at Photoshop.
Useful Photoshop tips from an insulting, arrogant, self-destructive jerk whose life and marriage are falling apart around him. Learn about Photoshop, or just have a few laughs and feel better about how your life is going. Fun for all!
Labels: Radio From Hell, Timewaster
A downloadable app for your iPhone that will recognize a song being played in the background, and tell you the artist and title of the song. This service is currently free via the iPhone, although it has traditionally cost about $1 per identification or $4/month unlimited. Next week I'll talk about similar options for people who don't want to shell out for an iPhone.
Shazam! for the iPhone
Labels: Applications, Free, iPhone, Music, Radio From Hell, Shazam, Software, Timewaster
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
A great site warning about speed traps, mostly with information entered by truckers. The site itself is pretty rudimentary looking, but they have the entire country divided along major highways (I-15, I-85, I-97, etc.) and all of the states those highways travel through. One danger I see in this site is you may succumb to hubris: thinking you know everywhere the cops would possibly be, you speed everywhere not warned about and end up getting caught anyway. Still, with that in mind, knowing the main speed traps along your route is a great resource to have, and is easily accessible and interpreted here.
Bear (Cop) Traps
Recommended by Stephannie Walker
Labels: Bear, Drive, Driving, Free, Radio From Hell, Timewaster, Trap
Burn the rope: It's not a drug reference... I think...
0 comments Posted by Jake at Tuesday, July 01, 2008Burn the rope:
An online video game that is so simple, the winning strategy is the name of the game! Despite its simplicity, it is still quite fun.
Burn the Rope
Labels: Burn, Fun, Game, Radio From Hell, Rope, Timewaster
OK, maybe more like 'The 10 Hottest Wonder Woman Impersonators... and some other chicks.' Still, it's worth a look.
50 Hottest Wonder Woman Impersonators
Recommended by Atropos
Labels: Hero, Hot, Pictures, Radio From Hell, Super, Timewaster, Woman, Wonder
Q: "The astrology of color...ism?" A: Colorstrology
0 comments Posted by Jake at Tuesday, July 01, 2008Although intended to be more about design and fashion than fortune telling, this is an astrology site, telling you about your personality based on your birth date, but also points out 'your' color - the color that you look best in and will bring out the best in you.
Here's Punk's color (for May 20):
"Smoke Green: Intelligent, Emotional, Intense
You are highly intelligent and love to learn. Your mind is able to grasp ideas and concepts easily. You can be generous and inspirational to people that you come in contact with. Your challenge lies in the emotional area of your life. When you have been hurt or disappointed, your ability to interact with others becomes more difficult and you can lose your normal trust in humanity. Your personal color vibrates with financial ease and freedom. Wearing, meditating with smoke green reminds you to let go of the past and stay in present time where miracles can occur."
My color is lettuce green, and talks about how I have a way with words and that I am mentally agile, that I enjoy writing and care deeply about interpersonal relationships, all of which are pretty true in my book.
See what yours says.
Recommended by Punk!
Labels: Astrology, Color, Colorstrology, Decorate, Punk, Radio From Hell, Strology, Timewaster
I think it has occurred to most people that movie openings, just like movie previews, are an art unto themselves, and occasionally can be more enjoyable than the films they precede: 'Art of the Title' is a site dedicated to the best Title Sequences of films, television shows and event videos. Moderate commentary, but mostly an easy way to view great openings. Catch me if you can, Se7en, Stranger Than Fiction, Reservoir Dogs, and my personal favorite, Once Upon a Time in the West are some of the Title Sequences they go over. If you're not interested in watching movie openings for the sake of the open, this is at least an interesting way to find new movies to watch.
Art of the Title
Recommended by Von McFarland
Labels: Art, Movies, Radio From Hell, Timewaster, Title, Video