Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Ninja Cat! This cat is very curious about the camera, but only moves towards it when we are not looking.
Recommended by Chris Brooks
Labels: Cat, Funny, Ninja, Radio From Hell, Timewaster, Video
A 16 month(!) 2009 calendar featuring graduates from the Clown Conservatory Class of '08. All net profits go toward seeking cures and treatments of MS.
Real Clowns. Real Naked. Really against Multiple Sclerosis.
Recommended by Atropos
Labels: Clowns, Funny, Naked, Radio From Hell, Scary, Timewaster
Stop! Hammertime! Firefox add-on
Firefox add-on that plays a brief clip of MC Hammer's 'U Can't Touch This!' - specifically when between verses Hammer shouts 'Stop! Hammer Time!' The most pointless add-on ever, but it does what it claims. Honesty - that's worth something, right? Also will scare the hell out of you when you are not expecting it.
Labels: Radio From Hell, Timewaster
Worst...Photoshop...Ever... Photoshop Disasters
1 comments Posted by Jake at Tuesday, September 30, 2008Bad uses of Photoshop in ads, news stories and even Google Earth. Things that are just too perfect - or too weird - to be real, and have clearly been digitally manipulated:
- Movie covers with faces awkwardly plastered onto bodies, with actors ultimately striking impossible poses:
- The 'Home for Sale' ad where the only green portion of the lawn has been copied and digitally spread all over the front yard:
- The Google Earth image where a patch of trees has clearly been copied and duplicated to cover up... something...
- Models with curiously long or short limbs, missing jaws(!) or limbs simply jutting out of the incorrect part of their body:
- Famous faces pasted onto the packaging of foreign products:"I'm Jennifer Aniston, and I approve these pantyhose."
- Not surprisingly, there are a lot of sultry-looking women online and in magazines who have been 'slenderized' using photo manipulation. Distortion of the background makes it painfully clear there is some dishonesty going on here.
- Even an Iranian press release showing the firing of missiles had been Photoshopped to include more missiles in a simultaneous launch than were really there:
Chuck Heston mini-Photoshop Disasters
Labels: Funny, Photoshop, Radio From Hell, Timewaster
Question: What if Pit Bulls don't like being compared to 'Hockey Mom' Sarah Palin and her ilk? (Answer: They ask you to buy T-shirts). Pit Bulls can be very sweet and loving dogs, and these guys want to remind us of that fact...and elect Obama.Pit bulls against Palin
Recommended by Atropos
Labels: Bull, Palin, Pit, Politics, Radio From Hell, Timewaster
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Lego Digital Designer is a downloadable application that allows you to design anything out of Legos and then order the specific parts to build it in real life.
Build your own lego
Recommended by Kerry
Labels: Radio From Hell, Timewaster
Ideas for what to do with the little red slip of paper you are left with after opening and sending back your Netflix envelope.
Starched Shirt
Netflix Origami
Recommended by Angie Brooks
Labels: Radio From Hell, Timewaster
Members of Eco-friends 'Earth First!' mourning the death of some trees. I consider myself an environmentalist, but these guys are really just embarrassing.
Best line: "Bring me to this Cathedral. Bring me to these guys. Bring me to this rock that has the most incredible life." Note to life-lover: rocks don't have lives. Mourn the trees. Mourn the Ivory Crested Dwarf Booby Owl Bird, but don't mourn the rock.
Labels: Radio From Hell, Timewaster
Start with one ugly guy, then add interchangeable eye directions (each eye is set separately) and a half dozen poses/positions for the mouth. Viola! Make a real ugly guy even uglier.
Costomizable Ugly Euro Guy
Recommended by Kyle Fowers
Labels: Radio From Hell, Timewaster
What would your name be if Sarah Palin had named you? Enter you name on this site to find out what aspect of rugged Alaskan life would be irreversibly emblazoned into your moniker.
I would have been 'Gripper Caron Palin'. My wife would have been 'Lean Pipe Palin'.
Richy T's Palin name is 'Hose Hotrod Palin'. Even his imaginary Palin name is gay.
Sarah Palin baby name generator
Recommended by Kimberly Hare
Labels: Radio From Hell, Timewaster
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
The true air speed velocity of an unladen swallow
0 comments Posted by Jake at Tuesday, September 16, 2008Using statistics and important arguments from 'Monty Python and the Holy Grail', the eternal question is answered - "Just how fast does a European Swallow fly?". It's a simple questiuon of weight ratios:
Labels: Radio From Hell, Timewaster
Web exclusive of Ron Burgendy interviewing Tom Brokaw, recalling bee-bee gun wars with Morley Safer and topless snowmobile rides with Diane Sawyer. Ron also saves Tom from a ninja attack.
Add cowbell to (most) any song. You can decide how much cowbell to add, and whether or not to add quotes from the SNL 'More Cowbell' sketch.
Make your own at MoreCowbell.dj |
Labels: Cowbell, Free, Funny, More, Radio From Hell, Timewaster
Is that girl in the barrell or behind the barrel? Is that kid in that car trunk or behind the car? Really pointless - mostly because I'm usually wrong and it infuriates me.
Labels: Behind, Funny, Investment, Radio From Hell, Stupid, Timewaster
They say that everybody has a doppelganger. Famous people have the benefit that smart-asses on the internet take the time to find theirs for them:
Famous people and their (sometimes) famous 'twins'.
Recommended by Emily Courage
Labels: Funny, Like, Looks, Radio From Hell, Timewaster, Totally
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Horse Balls - More fun than playing with...uh...
0 comments Posted by Jake at Tuesday, September 09, 2008No. It's not how it sounds. This site is mostly recommended because of the ridiculous but memorable name, but this is actually a site about inflatable toy balls for the enrichment of horses. There is a video (with "really cool" music) of horses playing with these balls, which are basically an inflatable ball with a small handle on it. The horses remind me of my dogs cheerfully playing with rawhide bones or other chew toys, so it's worth seeing if you like animals.
Horse Balls
Cute video of playful horses
Labels: Animal, Ball, Cute, Horse, Radio From Hell, Timewaster, Video
Some very funny, some very scary, some very sad, this blog is a collection of the worst 'professionally made' cakes out there:
Sexual Harassment cake:
Japanese poop cakes:

A cake with requested Olympic rings that ended up just saying:

Gay Pride Penis Cakes:
Cakes shaped like pregnant bellies or babies' bottoms...

The famous wedding cake that is a life-sized replica of the bride:

...and a shirtless Tom Selleck cake (admittedly, this is an awesome cake):

Lots of miscommunication, misrepresentation and a lot of cakes that are just in poor taste:
Cake Wrecks
Recommended by Mandy Figueroa
Labels: Radio From Hell, Timewaster