Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Much like the previously mention F My Life and Texts From Last Night, except 'It Made My Day' is happy things - or at least bad things happening to other people:

"Last night, the light bulb in the bedroom went out, but instead of changing it, my husband just lit candles. IMMD."

"Last week I went to see Transformers 2, and it was so bad I walked out after twenty minutes and demanded my money back. I took the money and went to Target and bought an Optimus Prime action figure like I had as a kid. IMMD."

"I called my grandma to find out how long until left-over chicken goes bad, she told me to Google it. IMMD."

"I was sitting in a boring, 90 degree meeting room, and my co-worker pulled out a pocket knife and spent the meeting turning his loafers into open-toed sandals. IMMD."

"Yesterday I had sex, ate breakfast, saw a movie, and had sex again (same girl) all while my roommate only played World of Warcraft. IMMD."

"Today someone stole my wallet. There was $50 inside. I’m just checking this website to see if it made anyone’s day."

"My wife bought me a horrible watch for our anniversary because she didn’t like the one I was wearing. She insisted I wear it and when I finally did today, I got mugged. They only took the watch. IMMD."


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