Monday, April 19, 2010

Drawn by excellent cartoonist Steve Bialik, these illustrations deliver:

C3PO and R2D2

Admiral Ackbar

Boba Fett

Jabba The Hutt

Han & Chewbacca

Darth Vader

Check out his blog to see more! Including Palpatine, Yoda, and Obi-Wan.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Monday, March 1, 2010

For some reason, the theme to Law And Order makes a lot of dogs howl. My dogs, not so much.

A great assortment of these can all be found on one page here.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

People make mistakes. Smart people learn from the mistakes of others. This site allows people to share their mistakes in the hopes that others will not follow in their footsteps of fail.
Similar to previous sites F My Life and Texts From Last Night, but with a style all its own.

-Always make sure that that’s really coffee in the coffee can, not finely-ground black pepper. #LFMF.
-The warning on laser pointers about not pointing them in your eyes? It’s not just them making up a warning to keep from getting sued. #LFMF
-When googling images of sharks for a project make sure you don’t accidentally type “shart”. #LFMF
-Never assume that your cat knows the difference between her litter tray and the large, square pan of fruit crumble you’ve left cooling on the worktop. #LFMF.
-Do not tell your four-year-old she can get a chinchilla if she saves her allowance for it. At age 5 1/2 you will be handed a bag of money and be called out on your promise. #LFMF
-If you are drunk, no matter how hungry you think you may be, 6 double cheeseburgers are too many cheeseburgers. #LFMF
-Joining the military is not the best way to meet girls. #LFMF
-Never, never put bubble bath in a hottub with jets. #LFMF
-My boss just asked me what I was working on, and I said “Nothing.” #LFMF
-Trust expiration dates. If not on milk, at least on condoms. #LFMF
-I locked myself out of my car… While it was running… In the Taco Bell drive-thru. #LFMF
-It’s possible to walk faster than an automatic sliding door can open. #LFMF
-Don’t get so drunk at Christmas that you start opening other people’s presents. #LFMF
-“A little too buzzed to make out the speed limit sign” is not a good excuse to use. #LFMF
-Using soap to clean your contact lenses is never a good idea. #LFMF
Recommended by Emily Johnson

The video looks terrible, but the audio is what counts.

What was the number one song on the day you were born?
Select month, then date, and you will be treated to the #1 song in America for each year back to, in some cases, the 1800s!

Window washer works smarter, not harder.

Monday, February 8, 2010

Just think, if he drove a car, he wouldn't have the extra time or materials to make these. Public transit shows us the way once again!

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Just about every cute animal video out there has been given the treatment by these guys of using special effects software to make the animal "explode":

The hamster wheel hamster!

The sleepwalking dog! (Remade in claymation because the owner of the dog objected to her dog blowing up):

The surprised kitten!

The sneezing baby panda!

A weatherman brags on-air about his, um, physical prowess - stating the 9" of snow from the night before was "almost as big as me".

"Jimmy, this gift you made me for father's day makes me sorry I ever adopted you as my son. I'll have to destroy it to teach you a lesson!"
After romancing Miss Marie, she asks him in bed: "Do you love me?" to which Superman replies "Well, it's a meaningless question, but I suppose not."
"I'll tell you why I'll never marry you, Lana, or you, Lois! Who wants a wife so stupid she doesn't realize I'm Superman when I take of my Clark Kent glasses?"
"My trick worked! I made Lois think Clark Kent drowned himself because of her. Now the plot thickens!"
Or Superman making out with a woman as she sits on Lois Lane's gravestone.

Star Wars vs. Star Trek. A pretty impressive fan film that pits Star Wars' floating letters against the enterprise, and even includes the Wilhelm Scream!

Recommended by Kerry

Weird site of the week: Tom Selleck. In front of waterfalls. With sandwiches.

Yeah, so... this guy really likes rollerblades and is posting new pictures and videos every day of people using them. Mostly dated 90s-looking pictures, though.

Recommended by Emily Courage

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

A guy lifting weights - no, he does not get hurt, so quit flinching - when he gets an unexpected guest who upstages his efforts. Pretty tame; almost cute.

An woman documenting the things her husband says while talking in his sleep. Apparently he's pretty prolific:

"No, not the cats. Don't trust them. Their eyes. Their eyes. They know too much."

"Don't leave the duck there. It's totally irresponsible. Put it on the swing, it'll have much more fun."

"Ooh! My balls are itchy. Have you got the cheese grater?"

"Awesome. Teddy bears bungie jumping."

"Badger tickling: proceed with caution"

"Elephant trunks should be used for elephant things only. Nothing else."

"Put it down! Step away from the yam. Step away!"

"Vegetarians will be the first to go. That's my plan. Vegans haven't got a hope. 'I eat air, I'm so healthy...' Bollocks!"

"Sigh of a ninja."

"It's definitely time to get up. Yes. My dog needs a new tutu."

"I love the fact you're a moose. Yes. So soft, so soft."

"Is it me, or has the ground gone to jelly? Fun. I can bounce... Bounce... Fun."

"So this is what it feels like to be a gummy bear... I can't walk though, I have to rock... I think i'll call myself BerNARD. Not BERnard. BerNARD. And I'll be a golden gummy bear."

"Hey I know you, but I don't like your face. Take it off... That's much better, much better."

"Give me back my hands! Limb thief!"
Recommended by Tina Lang

Using images of alphabet stickers containing still images from The Empire Strikes Back, you can generate just about any name or word and have it spelled out by all of your favorite Star Wars characters.

Animation of a parkour enthusiast done in an almost pop-up book style. This is some pretty impressive real-time manipulation of many, many existing images that are flipped, moved and folded so as to make the images take on a life of their own.

parkour motion reel from saggyarmpit on Vimeo.

This dutch department store has turned their front page of their website into a virtual Rube Goldberg machine.

Recommended by Dave Olsen

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Stick it out, it's worth it.

Friday, January 15, 2010

Thursday, January 14, 2010

I think this needs a little setup.

The guys running the flying rigging don't know what they're doing. First they fly Peter into the side of the window instead of through the open window, knocking over part of the set.

After the set has been put back together, at about 1:15, Peter is waiting for take two of flying into the nursery through the open window. This time, the flying rig guys bring the wrong person airborne, and send Wendy hurtling through the air, grasping for anything to stabilize her. This is the true golden moment.