Tuesday, February 26, 2008

or search 'Spell with flickr'

You can spell out words like a kidnapper's ransom note using pictures of letters from Flickr!

True to its name, this site goes over often relatively unknown historical and scientific facts and stories.

Stories about a 3.5 billion gallon lake that was accidentally drained completely in 3 hours, or a 1920 terrorist bombing of Wall Street in New York, or a fire that has been burning since 1962. If you geek out on the History Channel, you'll love this site.

or search 'unnecessary quotes'

Recommended by Atropos

Hundreds of submitted "pictures" of unnecessary "quotes". Any English geeks will be alternately amused and frustrated.

Pictures of things…that look like ducks…

5 gigs of free online storage space. You can create folders that are shareable with friends, family, coworkers, or anyone!

Tuesday, February 19, 2008


Or search 'Frog Guts'

Then click on 'demos' in the top right corner – they will take you through a virtual frog dissection! It's actually a little gross when you have to use virtual scissors to virtually cut through a virtual sternum.


The upcoming 'Economic Stimulus' plan calls for taxpayers to receive a one-time check during 2008 from the Government (a 'rebate'). This site lets you know how much to expect, since the payout is based on your 2007 tax returns.


A non-helium filled balloon tied to a string, the other end of which is inextricably connected to your cursor. The main point is to try and click on the balloon – which is not that easy. It's kind of like the Mexican ball in a cup game.


Do you have friends who send you questionable links at work? Paste any website URL into workfriendly.net, and it will open the page in what looks like a Word Document. It will remove any pictures (and granted, therefore most of the fun). The best part is there is a special 'Boss Button' in the top left corner. When you move your cursor over the 'Boss Key', it turns the entire page into Time-Management-Stephen-R-Covey-sounding motivation, so you can go from goofing off to looking like you're a go-getter in about 1 second.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008


Recommended by Kyle Arnell

Bible stories, illustrated with Lego dioramas, with 336 stories and 3,652 illustrations, the work of a San Francisco artist, Brendan Powell Smith. He is an atheist, but is actually very true to the Bible stories, at least as they appear in 'Modern English' translations of the Bible.

There is actually quite a lot that could be considered 'Not Safe For Work' as there are many images depicting Lego people mid-coitus and the like, so he has politely marked each story with warnings for nudity, sexual content, violence or bad language.


Videos of random stuff getting cooked in a microwave.

Toner cartridges, glow sticks, marshmallow Peeps, a bar of soap, and an etch-a sketch, to name a few.


Recommended by JT

All about dead celebrities – how they lived, how they died, sometimes photos of the latter. Kind of a morbid IMDB, it is actually really fascinating.


Recommended by Matt Marcek

Shows you how to solve your Rubik's Cube, whatever state it may be in. Asks for the colors on your cube (evidently there are variations I'm not aware of) and the color and location of each square in the cube. From there, it walks you through how to solve it.

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Much like the previously mentioned allsp.com. Instead of South Park, it has all episodes of Family Guy, including the Stewie Movie.


Recommended by Emily Johnson


or search 'superman vs jedi'
A ludicrous question is posed, and subsequently taken seriously enough to not only answer, but to expound upon. Who would win in a fight between Superman and a Jedi? The Death Star? Wolverine? Professor X? Gandalf? Harry Potter?


Recommended by Atropos.

A simple question with, for the moment, a simple answer. Has an RSS feed to keep you to up to date on any changes that, hopefully, need not be made.


or search 'DHTML Lemmings'

A throwback to the classic Lemmings game, where you can assign a lemming to dig, build, bash to get through obstacles; or use an umbrella to gently glide to the ground below. Your goal is to save as many lemmings as possible from being squished.