Thursday, July 26, 2007

Hello World

Well, I guess I have to start this somehow: it may as well be in an embarrassingly boring way.

My name is Jake, and I do a segment called, appropriately, 'Jake of the Web' every Tuesday on x96's Radio From Hell show . It's a great show (and was for years before I ever came along) and I only hope I can add something positive to it.

On the show, I mostly focus on 'Time-Wasters For Work' but there is definitely a lot more out there on the web that's worth talking about.

I plan to do that on this site.

My initial thought is this site will be dedicated to helping average people become more proficient on their computers and on the web, as well as helping people be more effective in their lives using the web and other marvelous modern technology. We'll see if that makes me money, though, and go from there. creates a temporary phone number (SLC 801 area code available, along with about 25 other cities) that you can give out if you're selling something online, or meeting people at clubs, etc.

Number can be set to expire after an hour, a day, a week, or a month

The basic portion requires nothing but your phone number - no logins or accounts

Can set up a second phone number that they will send calls to if the first number is unavailable.

The provided number does have an extension and the caller has to leave a short clip announcing who they are.

Does have a private time you can set – 9pm to 8 am with 4 time zones to choose from.

i numbr dose of imagery)

A photoblogger from Toronto

Interesting pictures of life around Toronto, other parts of Canada, or wherever he happens to go. Words really do not do it justice.

Go to the site, look at a few weeks worth of pictures and you'll be hooked.

Really cool visual representation of wikipedia:

The central topic of your choice is the central bubble, branching out to various related topics

a fun/interesting way to refer to Wikipedia

Aired 7-26-07