Tuesday, February 10, 2009

The latest internet video du jour. Beer bottles set up and knocked over as though they were dominoes, ending with a Rube Goldberg-esque beer bong.

To my knowledge, this is the only pre-conceived and prepared reception for the Google Street View photo car (other than in front of Google itself). This entire street prepared scenes for the Google photo car to capture as it passed down their street. A fake moving van, a marching band, a fake marathon, science experiments, and sword fights are just a few of the scenes prepared for the car.


Recommended by Matthew

Very fun, very addicting game. Looking down on a 'battlefield', you must set up towers to impede the progress and summarily destroy numerous approaching 'creeps' - simple little creatures that talk like the chipmunks - before they reach the other side of the battlefield.


Recommended by Jake Staley

Personally, as a religious guy, I don't like this site. I prefer dressing up Steve Jobs.
However, I know that there are Friends of the Program that will enjoy this, so have some fun dressing up Jesus. Celebrity, Halloween, Christmas themes, Villians, S&M, and Wizard of Oz themes.


Recommended by Jared

Possibly NSFW image on front page (lotsa female skin, but no naughty bits showing). This company claims they will actually ship you nasty little pubic crabs. Sprinkle them into the bed of your intended target, and let the infestation begin! I see this taking personal disagreements to a very unhealthy place. Particularly since you would either have to break into the home of your target, or still be on good enough terms to have them let you in their home, only to betray them in such an awful way. Ours is not to question why...


Recommended by Robert

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

"Stains", an Australian Shepherd who likes to get into people food, is being re-trained by an expert for Animal Planet's It's Me or the Dog.

Stains, the hypnotized cupcake dog, as shown on "The Soup".

The original Animal Planet clip. You only need to watch the first 20 seconds.

Breakup stories or messages to exes. Some are sad, some are hilarious, some are gross, but all are a good read:

]"I want a divorce."
}}"You can't have one my dear love."
Stab, stab, stab, stab, stab

Abort, retry, fail…
Do you want to continue?

redness and itching
as I leave I take your friends
crabs should not be pets

your teeth always scraped
your hygeine deplorable
get the hell out now

I never loved you
Sleeping next to you was nice
hookers are cheaper

You have a nice ass
But you can't talk to an ass
You are behind me


Recommended by James Snyder

Nearly 100 photos of Christian Bale, with nearly identical photos of Kermit the Frog. Afro-wearing, rock-climbing, smoking, they even found pictures of them both eating a snake.


Recommended by Matt the Whip

Popular songs being performed by and/or lipsynched by "Rock-a-fire Explosion" - the animatronic band from Chuck-E-Cheese/Showbiz Pizza. VERY creepy.

Usher "Love In This Club"
Recommended by Angie Brooks

Shakira's "Hips don't Lie"

Smooth Criminal

Two equally creepy Beatles tributes:

George Michael's "Faith"

No Doubt's "Spiderwebs"

"Pop Lock and Drop it"


A pretty simple premise: People defacing their "final notice" bill collection warnings and posting them online.

"Dear Advantis. This flirting must stop. I'm already seeing another debt collection agency."

"This debt is but an illusion"

"You spelt my name wrong. All debts are off."
