Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Repulsive, yet somehow adorable and endearing. These are pictures taken of dogs while they are upside-down, with the image later set right-side up to reveal how weird dogs look when all the loose skin on their face is hanging in the wrong direction. Somehow, these pictures just make me happy. Also, a lot of them look like Sigourney Weaver's character on Ghostbusters after she's tuned into that demon dog: THERE IS NO DANA, ONLY ZUUL!
Recommended by Kerry
Labels: Cute, Dogs, Down, Funny, Radio From Hell, Timewaster, Upside
China Channel: Starving children in china would love to look at that website.
0 comments Posted by Jake at Tuesday, October 28, 2008'China Channel Toolbar':
See what it's like to be a Chinese internet user. This FireFox add-on forwards your IP address through a proxy server that is behind China's censorship: The Chinese Government literally sees your web browsing as taking place on a computer in China, and filters your traffic accordingly. If you go to a site they don't approve of, your internet connection will be blocked for 15 minutes. Fortunately, you can quickly and easily go back to your normal way of browsing to continue what you were doing.http://chinachannel.hk/
Recommended by Chris Brooks
Labels: Add, Censorship, China, Firefox, Radio From Hell, Timewaster
Subversive Cross Stitch: None of your damn business, bitch!
0 comments Posted by Jake at Tuesday, October 28, 2008http://www.subversivecrossstitch.com/
Recommended by Emily Johnson
Actual cross-stitches with less than traditional exclamations on them:
'Happy F*cking Holidays'
'Truthiness' adorned with an eagle
'Babies Suck'
'Don't make me cut you'
'Bite Me'
'People are cattle'
'Go F*ck Yourself'
You can enjoy the apathy from afar, or join in by purchasing a pattern or a complete kit and create one of your own.
Labels: Cross, Funny, Radio From Hell, Stitch, Timewaster
Ron Howard, Andy Griffith and Henry Winkler reprising their old roles to show their support for Obama.
Recommended by Ken Sullivan
Labels: Howard, Obama, Radio From Hell, Ron, Timewaster
Make your own John McCain logo - for better or for worse.
0 comments Posted by Jake at Tuesday, October 28, 2008Add your own text to a John McCain logo. Any text you want. Here's some of mine:
Labels: Funny, Logo, McCain, Palin, Radio From Hell, Timewaster
Recommended by Mia Levetan (Young Democrats of Utah secretary)
Dozens of Obama-supporting jack-o-lantern patterns, from a simple silhouette to a normal jack-o-lantern saying Ooooooobama to 'Republicans for Obama', to more detailed images of Obama's face. Pictures of Obama supporters with their own jack-o-lanterns as well.
Here's some links to patterns for both candidates and their running mates.
Labels: Biden, Jack, Lantern, McCain, Obama, Palin, Pumpkin, Radio From Hell, Timewaster
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
What is your quest? To grow every possible style of facial hair.
1 comments Posted by Jake at Tuesday, October 21, 2008A guy documenting the daily struggle of trying to grow every style of facial hair from throughout history:
Copstache Standard
Friendly Mutton Chops
The Toothbrush
The Zappa
Labels: Facial, Hair, Moustache, Mustache, Radio From Hell, Timewaster
Brokers with their hands on their faces: More than just a cliche, it's cathartic, too!
0 comments Posted by Jake at Tuesday, October 21, 2008Brokers, aghast at the financial destruction all around them, stand agape with their hands on their faces. Lotsa pictures of miserable and stressed out stockbrokers. It certainly makes me feel better about our financial crisis.
Recommended by "Matt the Whip"
Labels: Broker, Crisis, Face, Finance, Hand, Palm, Radio From Hell, Street, Timewaster, Wall
Future Me: Send your self an email in the future, from the present, which will by then be the past...
0 comments Posted by Jake at Tuesday, October 21, 2008Write yourself a letter, which will then be emailed to you a date of your choosing. You can also choose whether to make your letter 'privately public' - anonymously making the subject and body of your email available for public consumption. Although you will occasionally get the "I'm 12, you will be 16 - do you like driving?" type of crap, it's usually quite fascinating to see what people write on this site. Poignant, jubilant, embarrassing and painful, the emails really cover the complete emotional spectrum. It also makes you wonder how many of these people facepalm themselves after reading their email.
A girl takes pride in her current promiscuity and hopes her future self is a porn star.
One guy/girl asked about how their shares of Rambus stock were doing, hoping they were over $50. Currently less than 9. So sad.
Recommended by Kerry
Labels: Email, Future, Meaning, Radio From Hell, Timewaster
Yearbook yourself: How would you have looked in the 50s? 60s? 70s? (and so forth)?
0 comments Posted by Jake at Tuesday, October 21, 2008I've made a few with Gina's picture:
Recommended by Chris Brooks
Labels: Book, Hair, Radio From Hell, Timewaster, Year, Yourself
Slydial: Go directly to voicemail, do not pass go.
0 comments Posted by Jake at Tuesday, October 21, 2008Call someone and have the call go straight to voice mail - their phone will not notify them of an incoming or missed call, just of the voice message. Although you can call from a land line or a cell, this will only work when calling a cell phone.
267-SLYDIAL (267-759-3425)
Recommended by Kerry
Labels: Dial, Mail, Message, Phone, Radio From Hell, Sly, Timewaster, Voice
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
As a cop gives someone a ticket, his car rolls away
0 comments Posted by Jake at Tuesday, October 14, 2008WARNING: AUDIO IS NSFW. A cop's car didn't quite make it into 'Park' and starts rolling away as the cop is talking with the person he pulled over. The cruiser's dashcam gets a perfect shot of the cops initial reaction as well as him chasing after the car, cursing, as the car gains speed. No one is hurt, fyi.
Labels: Funny, Radio From Hell, Stupid, Timewaster, Video
Learn the facts behind all of the political claims: FactCheck.org and PoliFact.com
0 comments Posted by Jake at Tuesday, October 14, 2008These sites strive to verify or refute claims made by or about the Presidential Candidates and their running mates. FactCheck.org focuses on more than just politics. PoliFact.com has sections of true statements, half-truths, lies, 'pants on fire' and 'flip-flop'. In what I have read they both appear to be fair and accurate with no discernible bias.FactCheck.org
Labels: Facts, Political, Politics, Radio From Hell, Timewaster
A few free patterns. Simple and direct, but good.
Non-Halloween jack-o-lantern patterns; Famous people, Patriotic, Christian images, Animals, and more. Turns out this site is based in Smithfield Utah, just north of Logan, so there's also a Utah Aggie pattern!
Some fun and simple patterns but very good (you have to scroll past quite a few ads for her admittedly good books that are for sale). Excellent designs overall, there are probably over 100 patterns here.
Probably the best assortment of patterns and ideas out there: Hundreds of free patterns, with photos of jack-o-lanterns the site owner has made over the years; Simpsons, Family Guy, Dora, Patriotic, Lord of The Rings, Wizard of Oz, and LOTS more. Many of these are likely for more advanced carvers, requiring more time and effort than the traditional jack-o-lantern, but with more impressive results.
Labels: Free, Halloween, Jack, Lantern, Pattern, Pumpkin, Radio From Hell, Timewaster