Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Another friend of the program asked about sending text messages to someone's cell phone anonymously:


Also has an option to embed a window into your myspace page or other blog. This is obviously best for sites with a security restriction on 'friends only'.

Also, you can send text to people from the web page of their service provider. A few major ones are:

Verizon: https://text.vzw.com/customer_site/jsp/messaging_lo.jsp

Sprint: http://messaging.sprintpcs.com/textmessaging/compose

T Mobile: https://wmg.tmomail.net/customer_site/jsp/messaging_lo.jsp

AT&T allows you to send from the web, but you must have an account and log in in order to do so.

Now, just because they don't see your name on the text message doesn't mean they can't find out who you are – especially if you are harassing or threatening, so be good.